Last year, right around this same time of year, I wrote this blog post: Why I'm Taking a Break From My Doctorate. Every year, from March-May (my busiest season at work), I struggle with intense anxiety. This year, I had several days where I could not even bring myself to get up out of bed.
Because I became consumed with my anxiety and even feelings of depression, I really ran life on autopilot, and all of my spiritual grounding somewhat went out the window.
I felt unmotivated in so many ways and knew I needed a break. No creative juices were flowing for my blog and podcast, and the last thing I want to do is put out content that I'm not passionate or God-led about.
Like last year, I forced myself to take a break from my doctorate to catch my breath. As I took (and continue to) time to reflect and re-prioritize, I put "Pray about next blog series" on my list. That same night, driving home, I said, "God? You feel so distant." And the Holy Spirit said, "I am not distant. You are.There's your next series."
So for the next few weeks, I'm challenging myself to unearth many of the questions and statements I've said to God in this series. With a goal of 500 words or less, I'm sharing the:
- Lies I've told myself in this season
- Truths from the Word of God
- Next steps I'm taking to move forward
Join me on the blog every (or every other) Wednesday as I share posts such as:
- Dear God: I Can't Hear You
- Dear God: Why Do You Allow Me to Be Distracted
- Dear God: I'm Exhausted
- Dear God: I'm Doing All the Things Yet Nothing is Happening
- Dear God: I Don't Feel Like Being in Church